SWTOR Zakuul Dropship Mount Available soon, Players’ Arguments on Bioware Heated

Recently, Swtor cartel market has got many contents, such as the recently released Zakuul Knight Armor for KOTFE. After that, Bioware just announced that Zakuul Dropship Mount will be available on cartel market on August 25. Nevertheless, apart from the anticipation of new mount, there are fierce arguments among the community to debate if it is reasonable to complain Bioware for their behavior to avoid KOTFE information.

SWTOR Zakuul Dropship Mount hits cartel market on August 25

After getting the Zakuul Knight Armor for the upcoming expansion, players will get access to Zakuul Dropship Mount that will be purchasable on the cartel market on August 25, according to SWTOR official twitter. Along with the mount that features a flourish function which basically close and open the wings, Zakuul invasion will begin soon. But is everything satisfactory there? Definitely no, complaints on less information of the new expansions have completely eclipsed the joy of getting new mount.

Arguments popped up about if players should complain to Bioware

Though the mount will help a lot in new expansion, players believe the timing of these Zakuul items being released on the market are completely lore breaking, especially when the devs emphasis on story lately. In fact, there are increasing additions on cartel market for KOTFE, however, players never be happy because they haven’t got much information how the expansion will work.
As a result, there are lots of complaints popped up to criticize that Bioware only focuses on making money from cartel market, where all high lvl equipment, various mounts, numerous titles, and everything players can buy for swtor credits. On the contrary, some players get bored of seeing mountains of complaints and try to get rid of whining trollers by telling them to leave and find other games. A side of players told complaints cannot fix anything, while players in the other side think they have the right to show concerns. War seems all too likely, so should complaints be mentioned out?

How could we see complaints/concerns that come from community?

Always seeing complaints seems not to be an interesting thing, but personally telling people to leave isn’t a great idea. To be fair, raising issues and making well thought out complaints with solutions is very valuable and will always help to make the game better, but complain that game is dying every time anything is changed or updated isn’t going to help anything. In fact, it is no need to hang out at the extreme ends of the pendulum all the time, often in life the best place is near the middle. Thus, if we think things out more clearly and just mentioned something helpful, the situation would be better.

Anyway, the contents are not so far away, and players can get more information as the pax prime make-up livestream hit on August 26 to introduce more about chapter 3 and companions. Stay tuned and buy cheap swtor credits with 5% bonus on Sw-tor-credits to get ready for the invasion. Just gear up with your armors, ships to make them kneel before you!

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